
Copy of Logger Contracting and Negotiation

Logger Contracting and Negotiation


1. Only marked trees shall be cut and removed.

2. All marked timber shall be cut and removed. Harvesting will proceed through the property in a orderly manner. One area or compartment must be completed before cutting begins in adjacent areas unless otherwise approved.

3. All trees shall be utilized to their smallest possible diameter. Minimum utilization standard is to a 4 inch top, stems shall be utilized for their highest and best use to the landowner's benefit.

4. Purchaser shall in all respects conduct his operations in a careful, workmanlike and prudent manner. He will take extreme care not to damage trees not marked for cutting and young growth. He will cut all stumps as low as possible and no case, excepting where there is metal in the tree and multiple trees, shall stumps exceed one foot in height.

5. Purchaser shall remove all merchantable portions and shall fell all unmerchantable portions of trees broken, damaged, uprooted, or leaning as a results of operations. All slash shall be lopped so as to not extend more than three feet from ground.

6. Purchaser shall comply with all state and local laws.

7. The course of any new road construction shall be approved by the Forester. All main skid trails shall be left in good condition. All roads shall be left in as good or better condition than found.

8. Yard areas shall be kept clean. All litter shall be removed and slash and unmerchantable wood shall be pushed back into the edge of the forest.

9. Soil erosion will be minimized by use of Maine Forest Service published Best Management Practices. Waterbars, ditches and other water control structures shall be installed as needed. Road and landings shall be cleaned, graded, fertilized and seeded as needed. Stream crossings will be done in a manner that protects the stream and its banks. No logging permitted when the ground is soft.

10. Payment for Lump Sum Bid shall be made upon signing the timbersale agreement or within ten days of accepting bid.


Payment under Per MBF and Ton Bid shall be ##% of estimated total amount for a 6 month contract or ##% of estimated total amount for a 12 month contract at the time of signing the agreement or within 10 days of accepting bid. The balance shall be paid periodically as specified in the agreement.

11. Purchaser shall be required to sign an agreement. Contact Southern Maine Forestry Services' for a copy.



Bidders may submit bids on a lump sum basis or on a per MBF and per TON/CORD basis or by both methods.

There is no guarantee of volume. Listed is an estimate of volume obtained by tallying trees as they were marked and you may make what use of it you wish. Each bidder must make his own best estimate of the volumes marked.

PERFORMANCE BOND OR DEPOSIT: The successful bidder will be required to post a Bond or make a Deposit before beginning operations. Upon completion of the sale and full compliance with the terms of the agreement, the bond shall be released or deposit returned to purchaser.

NOTE: If successful bidder is the operator of a mill where any of this timber will be utilized said timber shall be check scaled.

ALL BIDS must be sent to Southern Maine Forestry Services, P.O. Box 910, No. Windham, Maine 04062 so that they are received prior to the close date.

For further information, contact agent at above address or at telephone number 207-892-6562.

Southern Maine Forestry Services as agent for the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Rene D. Noel, Jr. Forester

Note: A letter to notify you of the successful bidder chosen by the landowner and the amounts of the actual bid will be sent to all those who submit a bid.