
Copy of Timber Sale Administration

Timber sale administraion

Timber Sales

Our primary objectives are 1) maximizing short and long-term income for our clients, and 2) relieving our clients from the often complex tasks associaed with a timber sale.

The key to meeting client objectives involves locating, contracting for, and overseeing a competent, responsible logger. We contract only with very high quality loggers with proven track records. We negotiate to optimize income and regularly monitor performance to help assure high quality work.

Finally, we handle all aspects of record-keeping, repporting, administration and delivery of proceeds on a timely basis.

Selling Timber?
How do you get the most income?

Recent analysis of stumpage reports to the Maine Forest Service which showed that having a forester's assistance in selling timber resulted in higher income. A new study done in North Carolina reports that hiring a consulting forester results in 30% more income per acre of timber sold. The authors report that landowners realize considerably more total income when they hire private consulting foresters, even after the forester's fees are paid.